WBA WHM Forum Asia Pacific Region, Bangalore - India: Presentations
WHM Forum Asia Pacific Region, Bangalore, India Presentation
- Opening Address by Ms Lalita Vaswani, President WBA
- Aviation & Wildlife Hazard Risk by Mr Haridasan, BIAL
- Aerodrome Wildlife Hazard Management by Mr Haridasan, BIAL
- Bird/Wildlife Hazards to Indian Airfields, Experience and Lessons Learned by Dr. P. Pramod, Senior Principal Scientist, Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History
- WHM on Indian Air Force Bases by Wg Cdr Vinayak Sharma
- Wildlife Hazard Management - An Aerodrome Perspective, Hyderabad International Airport by Dr Riju
- Bat Strikes and Ecological Engineering for Mitigation by Chetan Dr Nag & Dr Rajesh P
- Measures Taken to Control Wildlife Activities at CSMIA, Mumbai by Mr Vijay Gaonkar
- StrykerAV a WHM Tool by Mr Raman Emani
- Gen Agritech by Dr PN Rao
- Mangalore Airport Wildlife Hazard Management -Mr Srikanth Tata
- Understanding the dynamics of rain water harvesting ponds in airports by Dr Mahesh
- Closing Address by Ms Lalita Vaswani