IBSC - Athens Presentations (23-27 May 2005)
- Bird Strike in Hellas Civil Aviation
- Serious Bird Strike Accidents in UK Military Aircraft, 1923 - 2005 : Numbers and Circumstances
- High Speed Flight at Low Altitude : Hazard to Commercial Aviation
- Alaska Bird Avoidance Model (AK BAM) Development and Implementation
- Mandatory Reporting of Bird Strikes in Europe
- Fatalities and Destroyed Civil Aircraft Due to Bird Strikes 2002 - 2004
- Collection and Dissemination of Wildlife Strike Data AT Airports forthe US FAA Via the World Wide Web
- Conservation & Industry Strategic Partnerships - A Model Approach For The Effective Implementation of An Airport Authority Bird Hazarad Manageent Program
- The Effect of Habitat Productivity and Structure on Bird Spatial Distribution In an Airfield Located At A Semi Arid Region
- Bird Deterrence At Airports By Means of Long Grass Management - A Strategic Mistake ?
- Grass Species As A Key Element In Bird Control Strategy Around The Airfield
- Effectiveness of Best Practice Bird Control On Land Fill Sites In Relation To Gull Feeding Behaviour
- Do Birds Respond to Infrasound ? A study of Low Frequency Sound As Bird Deterring Technology
- Aeronautical Studies To determine The Spatial Movements Of Hazardous Birds
- Linking Horizontal and Vertical Models to Predict 3D + time Distribution of Bird Densities
- Eurbase Military Bird Strike Frequency in Europe
- Bird Strikes in Greece - 2001 Civil Aviation
- Water Birds, Aircraft and Bird Strikes in IR Iran
- Last Experiments With a laser Equipment Designed For Avian Dispersal in Airport Environment
- Ground Vs Air Seasonal Changes Is The Use by Birds of an Irish Airport
- Cyprus Flamingoes Commuting Across the Runway : Adapting the Aircraft's or Birds Flight Schedule
- Bird Strike Data and Analysis at South African Airports and Spatial Representation of Bird Patrols in Relation to Bird Strike Occourances
- Minimum Best Practice Standards for Aerodrome Bird Control
- An Assessment of Bird Strike Risk at National Level
- Multi Engine Bird Strikes To Turbine Powered Aircraft
- Animal Ambush at The Airport : The Need to Broaden the ICAO Standards For Bird Strikes to Incude Terrestrial Wildlife
- Risk Problem Classification Schemes in Bird Strike Risk Policy Strategies
- The Role of Governmental and Non Governmental Organization Towards The Aviation Safety by Minimising The Wildlife Hazard Problems rom TIA and Other Airports of Nepal
- Court Judgements Pro and Contra
- Ten Years of Bird Strikes In Israeli Airports
- Numerical and Experimental Analysis of a Large Bird Impact on Fan Blades For The Certification Purpose
- Bird Strike Syndrome : Towards Developing AN Index of Bird Injury
- Bird Control - What New Technologies Airports Should Be Considering In Terms of Bird Strike Avoidance
- Over Flying of Birds At An Airport : Developing A Methodology
- Assessment and Integrated Risk Management Of Collisions Aircrafts To Birds At International Civil Aerodrome Kavala (NE Greece)
- Modelling The Bird Strike Risk From Hazardous Birds Attracted To Restored Mineral Extraction Sites
- Monitoring Avian Movement Using Bird Detection Radar ; Impacts of Nocturnal Movement on Flight Safety At A Military Aerodrome
- A National Network of Bird And Weather Radars In Israel - From Vision To Reality
- Bird Avoidance Models Vs Real Time Bird Strike Warning Systems - A Comparision
- Integrated North American Bird Avoidance System : Research and Development Strategic Plan