Details of working group coming soon. All interested participants please email the board at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
The WBA... Aviation Safety Around the World
Details of working group coming soon. All interested participants please email the board at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WBA is happy to announce a webinar virtually on 13-14th June 2023.
Click for Agenda
Click Here for the Webinar Presentations.
The WBA is offering 3 online Wildlife Hazard Management courses;
Click here for pricing, course outline and Click here to Register
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.
Dear Colleagues,
Good Morning, and a very warm welcome to the WBA Conference. We are honoured to have so many distinguished participants especially since its WBA’s first Bi-Annual Physical Conference post Covid and the WBA Board is greatly looking forward to all our discussions over the next 2 days.
In order to find rise to the many challenges Aviation is facing, we need to keep our eye on the ball of the complex topic of Wildlife hazard management.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our esteemed sponsors
What is WHM to Aviation Safety? Many Guidelines and procedures but just 1 goal!
WBA’s flight path into the future
Various discussions, knowledge will shape over the course of the discussions.
Wildlife experiencing the greatest movement to and across continents due to climate changes, Pandemic Travel restrictions means we need to continuously improve.
As a former Vice-President I have in the best of my ability engaged with all WBA stakeholders to carry WBA’s mission. I believe that as WHM professionals we must continually strive to ensure that WBA’s contributions to our regulators policies and addressing the needs of WHM teams’ community in Airports with consistent willingness of sharing of information to enhance their level of input in WHM which is the most viable path forward.
This is an evolving time for Aviation which affects WHM. Achieving our goals is a task that WBA has grappled with as the WBA board is a voluntary board and balancing the voluntary tasks especially in the virtual world community has been quiet demanding.
Now moving on to issues with Members. We are not super humans and cannot please every member although our mission is to be work strategic and achieve the tasks WBA has taken on. We don’t always have to agree. We need to welcome the many different perspectives all of us bring to the table, we must talk to each other to find solutions.
Too much emphasis on the Org structure of WBA is not helping the WHM community. WBA board has been transparent and open about the tasks we have taken on like for example ICAO APAC the documentation of WHM guidelines, procedures, and recommendations. That’s our mission, this is where we have spent our time and energy on and would like this to extend this globally.
We welcome anyone who is passionate, willing to put long voluntary hours into our board.
Turning now to the year ahead as President of WBA. My vision is to work on collaboration with international expert organisations, engage with members volunteers to discuss challenges, work on improvement over the next couple of years I have positive view to create a healthy, Optimistic goals to continue to achieve tasks and recommendations alongside regulators and WHM expert community. WBA board strives to have the best people and members and all our efforts will continue to place us in a strong position to continuously improve the complexity of WHM.
I would also like to thank my fellow board members for their support during the last few years and look forward to their support in the years to come and very excited to welcome the new board and to work together towards the same cause
Thanks to our sponsors who have been our rocks, so we are able to forge ahead with such conferences and create opportunities to meet on a global platform for all WHM stakeholders.
I have a couple of slides I would like to project on my vision. Note this is work in progress and I will need all members inputs in this. WBA has an open flight path! Please reach out to me.
On This note I would like to close this and look forward to discussions with the vice-president and the new board, to work on forging ahead.
Lalita Vaswani, President
World Birdstrike Association
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WBA Virtual Conference Program WBA Conference Recordings: WBA Day 1 Videos WBA Day 2 Videos Comment screenshots Keynote Speakers ICAO - Yong Wang EASA - Vasileios...
The WBA 2018 conference was held in Poland from 19 - 21 November 2018. Items: invitation, sponsor plan, general information and the updated (15 Nov) program. WBA 2018...
WBA recently presented at ICAO's Wildlife Strike Hazard Reduction Symposium in Montreal. Click here for a PDF of the presentation.
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