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WBA Constitution

 C O N S T I T U T I O N  A C T



The members of the International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) having regard to the proposal constitute a new organization as a civil association and consequently IBSC shall thereafter formally dissolve and cease any activity.

Article 1          Name

The organization shall be called World Birdstrike Association (hereinafter: WBA)

Article 2          Vision

The WBA is to be the worldwide catalyst for improving flight safety by reducing the bird and other wildlife (hereinafter: bird/wildlife) strike risk for aviation in a cost- effective way, considering the need for a sustainable environment.

Article 3          Mission

The mission of the WBA is to be a plaftorm for the national bird/wildlife strike committees and other entities, civil and military.

At the same time, the WBA provides the platform for pursuing a constructive and cooperative relationship with all stakeholders.

The WBA acts facilitates a worldwide forum for the reduction of the bird/wildlife strike risk to aviation.

Article 4          Purpose

The purpose of the WBA is to improve flight safety regarding all aspects of the bird/wildlife strike risk to aviation, including measures for its mitigation and reduction. This will be achieved by encouraging and facilitating worldwide communication and collaboration amongst all aviation and non-aviation stakeholders as well as rule makers and safety agencies.

Article 5          Statute

The main act would be the Statute which rules the organization of the WBA.

Article 6          Approval

This Constitution Act has been formally adopted by means of an anonymous electronic vote. The revision of the Constitution Act has been formally adopted at the WBA 2016 Conference in Amsterdam.

Done on 10 November 2012

Revised on 07 December 2016


For the World Birdstrike Association,

Rob van Eekeren