
IBSC - London - II Presentations

IBSC - London - II Presentations

Bird Strikes To Engines  

Migrating Birds And Their Danger To Aeroplanes 

Current Work On The Problem of Collisions Between  Birds and Aircraft in Sweden  

Experimentation of Presentation of Actual Bird Intensity In A "0 - 8" Scale On A Display Unit 

Birdstrikes German Airforce 1974 - 1975 

A New Problem On Scaring Birds On Airfields Induced By Planting Trees And Shrubs  

Bird Density and The Birdstrike Risk 

Global Statistical Approach To The BirdStrike 

Accident To HS 125 Executive Jet 

Synergised Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate In The Control Of Birds In Airports 

Summary Of Tests Carried Out At Ben Gurion International Airport (LOD) With "Bird Repellent RETA" 

Bird Control Units In The RAF